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Workshop in webinar format: “Creating an effective presentation”

Workshop in webinar format: “Creating an effective presentation”
Regular webinar from EY Business Academy on the topic “Creating an effective presentation” was held on July 20, 2018 for participants of “Student Energy Challenge” competition organized by Shell Kazakhstan and KAZENERGY Association.

The training webinar was attended by the teams which were qualified for the short-list by the results of the qualifying stage of the competition (http://kazenergy.com/ru/press-center/news/1356/).

Online training was conducted by A.Akhmetova, academic adviser and business trainer of EY Business Academy, who specializes in coaching format trainings in change management, interpersonal and business communications, personal and team effectiveness, consulting and business development.
The lecturer shared information about the structure, design of the presentation, rules for using the text, images and general ways to “effectively” present project works. The competition participants will present their projects in the final round of “Student Energy Challenge” on October 2-3, 2018.
In accordance with announced stages of the competition, the next webinars for the participants on the topic “Attention. Time. Pitch.” are scheduled for the second decade of August 2018. This webinar will be conducted in order to reveal the topic in “elevator pitch” style at the final presentation.
Within this, we remind that the winners of “Student Energy Challenge” competition will be awarded with prizes from Shell Kazakhstan (up to 10 000 US dollars) and two-day NXplorers training in Astana prepared by experts from Shell Group for development of critical thinking and integrated problem solving skills.

Feedback from participants

Team “KBTU United”
Kazakh-British Technical University
“Thank you for the organized webinar. It was very informative and useful to listen to the real professional. All remarks that were pointed out are relevant today. Recommendations on presentations can be used not only for the competition, but also in our daily student life. It is very difficult to speak to the public, but now due to our new knowledge and skills in this field we will present our project in the best possible way”.

Team “Association of Innovators”
Almaty University of Power
Engineering and Telecommunications
“I would like to note that the webinar on “Creating an effective presentation” was prepared at a high level by a specialist who is expert in this topic. The presentation is well structured and understandable, which in itself is a good case for the webinar. I would like to thank the speaker for the material presented and the direction for which we, the teams, should keep the course”.

Team “Chemical Energy”
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University
“In this webinar, the lecturer explained us as clear as possible all the subtleties of the skill of creating an effective presentation, which is no less important for being a successful person of the 21st century. A lot of important issues were discussed, which can be grouped into 3 big questions, namely:
  1. How to correctly prepare for the presentation;
  2. What should be the structure of the presentation, which can attract the attention of the audience and thereby convey the main thought (idea) of the speaker;
  3. How to make slides, and therefore how to breathe life into the presentation itself.
I hope that other participants will agree with this opinion and we will not be mistaken if we say that the webinar was very useful for each participant and everyone was able to learn something new.
We are grateful to the lecturer from EY Business Academy, who conducted a webinar and provided detailed and clear information, and we also thank the organizers of the competition, who gave us the opportunity to participate in this webinar.”

NU SynGas team
Nazarbayev University
“Webinar on “Creating an effective presentation” organized by the “Student Energy Challenge” competition organizers is very useful for us, as we are going to present our project to the jury at the Youth conference.
Information we learned during online training:
  1. Purpose of information;
  2. Audience analysis (Expectations, motivation, competence, position, gender, age, format);
  3. Idea of the whole presentation;
  4. Clear headings that reveal the essence of the slide;
  5. Composition rule;
  6. Structure;
  7. People can remember 7 (+/- 2) objects. The edge factor - people remember the information that was presented at the beginning and in the end. Use of images. Slide is a message.
  8. Certain colours.
I hope that such useful trainings will be held more often for the successful development of young leaders.